Project 180’s focus on clean-and-sober housing, job skill training, and establishing a supportive social network is a logical solution to the difficult challenges formerly incarcerated citizens face when they reenter our communities.

“Staying clean and sober, getting a job and earning a living, having a driver’s license or other form of identity, becoming one with the civic standards of a healthy and stable community, and having a roof over our heads are all advantages many of us take for granted. Project 180 helps those returning to society from behind bars with all of this in a smart, intelligent, and community-supportive way. I endorse their program.”

Project 180 is a unique and innovative project that will afford formerly incarcerated men and women the hope, compassion, skills set and the opportunity for restoration required to ensure a successful reentry. It is clear that Florida needs many more community projects like this one.

Project 180
PO Box 25684
Sarasota, FL 34277-2684
Strong Voices Lectures
Project 180 and Gulf Coast Community Foundation present
The 2025 Strong Voices/Strong Subjects Luncheon Lecture
Constructing a New Workforce
Friday, March 7
Michael’s on East, Sarasota
11:00 Doors Open
11:30 to 1:00 Program
Strong Voices explores timely reentry topics and features international, national, regional and local experts. Since its inception in 2014, the series has drawn over 2,000 attendees and has featured speakers from over 20 institutions, agencies, and nonprofits including The Florida State University, University of South Florida, the Urban Institute, Virginia Tech, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, the Rockefeller University, and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
Our Mission: Project 180 seeks to reintegrate formerly incarcerated citizens into community life.
Our Vision: To reduce poverty, homelessness, unemployment and criminal behavior among formerly incarcerated citizens.
Our Programs Work
Residential Program
Our Residential Program is designed to meet the needs of citizens returning to the community from prisons and jails and to provide the tools they need to succeed.
Financial Literacy Course
After securing a job, a returning citizen’s next step on the road to success is financial stability.
CEO Workforce Education Program
Employment is one of the most critical factors in ensuring success as a mainstream citizen.
First Week Out Program
Sarasota County citizens no longer need to start from scratch when they return home from prison.
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